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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioColeopteres Cerambycides de l'ile de Chypre Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
Biblioάber Diplopoden Griechenlands, einiger Δgδis-Inseln und Zyperns. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioDie Borkenkδffer von Griechenland und Cypern. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioCruise to the Eastern Mediterranean. Cyprus-03. Plankton reports, July 30, 1964-August 15, 1964. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioDas Muffelwild. P. Parey Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioLe daim a Chypre ayx epoque prehistorique Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioNote sur les Catopidae de l' ile de Chypre ( Coleoptera ) Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioDie Mordelliden der Insel Cypern (Col. Heteroptera, Mordellidae). Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioNagra intryck fran en entomologisk vinterfard till Cypern. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioReport to the goverment of Cyprus on fishery development possibilities. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioBeitrag zur Kenntnis der Scarabaeiden - Fauna von Cypern (31. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Scarabaeiden ) Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioAnimals remains from a lare Bronz age sanctuary on cyprus and the problem of domestication of fallow deer. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioCerceris de Grθce et de Chypre. (Hymen. Sphecid.). Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioBirds of Cyprus Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioZur Morphologie und Landschaft von Cypern. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioOn some bees of the genus Andrena from the islands Crete and Cyprus (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioOn the bees(Hymenoptera, Apoidea) of Cyprus - Part VI Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioPreliminary report on the survey of the insect fauna of the Cyprus forest and plantation. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioOn the bees(Hymenoptera, Apoidea) of Cyprus - Part V Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioOn the bees(Hymenoptera, Apoidea) of Cyprus - Part IV Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioFlora of Cyprus Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
Biblio[Review on the ecology and zoogeography of the animals of inland waters of the Aegean Islands.] (in German) Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioLife cycle feeding behavior and ovipositional ability of Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Rhipicephalus turanicus (Acarina: Ixodidae). Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
Biblio[Ornithologic observations in Anatolia and in Thrace.] (in French) Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioContribution to the knowledge of the principal insects on citrus trees on Cyprus. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith