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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioThe Cyprus Ornithological Society Annual Report 1990 Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioSerpulids (Annelida Polychaeta) along the Mediterranean coast of Israel. New population build-ups of Lessepsian migrants. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioOne flew over the Hippo's nest : Extinct Pleistocen fauna, early man, and conservative archeology on Cyprus. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioHumans, island colonizaation and Pleistocen extinctions in the Mediterranean : the view from Akrotiri-Aetokremnos, Cyprus. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioPreliminary report of the Intediscrplinary Excavations of Akrotiri - Aetokremnos (Site E): 1987, 1977,1990. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
Biblio[A revision of the Stenomutilla males of West Palearctic with description of new species (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae).] (in French) Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioNew data on the thysanurans (Microcoryphia and Zygentoma: Insecta) from northern Africa and from the Near East. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioΠουλιά &θηλαστικά της Κύπρου Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioScrapie in Cyprus Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioTracking the extinct pygmy hippopotamus of Cyprus Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioObservations on the feeding behaviour of a great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) at Phasouri reed beds, Cyprus 12th September 1987 Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioSandflies and disease in Cyprus; 1944-1985 Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioSandflies and disease in Cyprus; 1977 - 1985. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioBogidiella cypria, new species of the family Bogidiellidae from Cyprus Island in the Mediterranean Sea. (Contribution to the knowledge of the Amphipoda 190) Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioBogidiella cypria, new species of the family Bogidiellidae from Cyprus island in the Mediterranean sea. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
Biblio[Captures of Dermaptera in the European Mediterranean region.] (in French) Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioInteressante Kδferfunde aus Zypern. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioHydroporus cuprescens n.sp. von der Insel Zypern ( Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioGenetic structure and similarity relationships of the unisexual cyprian Bacillus (Insecta Phasmatodea). Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioNotes sur les Buprestides de Chypre avec descriptions de noveaux taxon (Coleoptera, Buprestidae) Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioOsteometry and fishing strategies at Cape Andreas Kastros (Cyprus, 8th millennium BP) Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
Biblio[Taxonomical revision of mouflons from the Mediterranean islands.] (in French) Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioThe Birds of Cyprus. Twenty first Bird Report. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
Biblio[Contribution to the malacological knowledge of northern Cyprus.] (in Italian) Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioMarine Turtles nesting in Northern Cyprus: Results from Glasgow University Turtle Conservation Expedition, 1992 - 1993 Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith