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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioBemerkungen zur Radula von Strombus decorus (Roeding, 1798) (Gastropoda : Prosobranchia) aus dem Mittelmeer. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
Biblio[House martins in Cyprus.] Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioFirst report of Ovine screpie in Cyprus Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioThe Pleistocene fauna of Cyprus and recent discoveries on the Akrotiri Peninsula Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioThe RAFOS Expedition to Cyprus 2nd to 16th April 1986. General report Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioExtinct pygmy hippopotamus and early man in Cyprus. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioDie Planzenwespen von Zypern: Faunistisch - tiergeographische und oekologische Ergebnisse (Insecta : Hymenoptera, Symphyta) Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioShrews (Mammalia Soricidae) from a bronze age deposit in Cyprus with the description of a new subspecies. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioGraceful warbler in Cyprus in October 1987 Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioHerpetological observations on Cyprus (1). Sea turtles Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioHerpetological observations on Cyprus (2). Agama stellio cypriaca Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioCyprus interlude Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioFirst records of Branchinella spinosa Milne-Edwards (Crustacea, Anostraca) in Cyprus Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioThe feeding ecology of the Cyprus Mouflon Ovis orientalis Gmelin,1774, in the Paphos forest, Cyprus. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioAmendments to 'Notes on reptiles in Cyprus' Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioFlora & fauna of the Akamas peninsula. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
Biblio[Comparative susceptibility of the genus Cedrus to aphid infestations, Cedrobium laportei Remaudiere and Cinara cedri Mimeur (Homoptera Lachnidae).] (in French) Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
Biblio[House martins on Cyprus.] Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioLes cornes, une cause de mortalite chez le Mouflon de Corse (Ovis ammon musimon) Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioAnimal remains from Maa - Paleokastro. Appendix 9 Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioDupont's lark in Cyprus in April, 1988 Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioBusiness and pleasure - Cyprus, Hong Kong, Kenya Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioArchaelogische Holzfunde aus tamassos, Zypern Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioContribution ΰ l'histoire naturelle de l'ξle de Chypre. Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Buprestidae, Elateridae. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioA catalogue of the types in the sollections of museo civico di storia naturale di Milano. IX. types of Diptera Drosophilidae Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago


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