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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioThe zoogeography of the western palearctic (Tipulidae Diptera) X. The Tipulidae of the Eastern Mediterranean islands. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioIsopoda Crustacea (Isopoda: Microcharon Jaera, Proasellus) and other fauna in hypogean waters of Southern Cyprus Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioBreeding record of the goshawk (Accipiter gentilis marginatus) for Cyprus - 1984 Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioAfter 150 years four wild boar come to Cyprus to a farm at Pareklishia - a fifth one escape from a 2 meters height. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
Biblio[Icosium tomentosum, new-record, Lucas for continental France (Coleoptera Cerambycidae Cerambycinae).] (in French) Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioPollination of Ophrys (Orchidaceae) in Cyprus Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioObservations on the Cyprus pied wheatear Oenanthe pleschanka cypriaca Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioBeitrag zur Kenntnis der Buprestis- Arten des Nahen Osten (Coleoptera : Buprestidae) Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioChloropid flies (Diptera, Chloropidae) of Cyprus Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioChloropid flies (Diptera Chloropidae) of Cyprus, Mediterranean Sea. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioMammals from the Near East in Polish collections. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioSorry, no Cepaea on Cyprus Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioOn the origin of the pine processionary caterpillar Thaumetopoea wilkinsoni Tams (Lepidoptera Thaumetopoeidae) in Israel. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
Biblio[The collection of Apoidea (Hymenoptera) of the Institute of Agrarian Entomology of Portici Italy IX. Chelostoma Latr., Creightonella Cock., Dioxys Lepel. and Serv., Heriades Spin., Osmia Pz., Protosmia Duck., Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioSuupplementary evidence on the biometry and ecology of the lizard Stellio stellio of Greece and Cyprus Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioSupplementary evidence on the biometry and ecology of the lizard Stellio stellio of Greece and Cyprus Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioMediterranean Sea Shells Cyprus. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
Biblio[Open questions concerning the Cuckoo Cuculus canorus 6.] (in German) Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
Biblio[Albanoglomus martensi, new record, Golovatch for Cyprus (Diplopoda Glomeridellidae).] (in German) Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
Biblio[On the green toad Bufo viridis Laur. of Cyprus.] (in German) Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioTurtles and Turtle Conservation in Cyprus (Handout to visitors to the Lara Turtle Station) Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioErgebnisse von Untersuchungen zur Reproduction des Mufflons (Ovis ammon musimon) Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioGeneric division of Prorastriopes Betsch, 1977 with description of Cyprania n. g. from Cyprus (Collembola, Symphypleona) Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioGenetic division of Prorastriopes BETSCH, 1977 with description of Cyprania n. g. from Cyprus (Collembola, Symphypleona) Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago
BiblioThe Mouflon of Cyprus, estimates of numbers and recommendations regarding their management. Christos Georgiadis03 months 3 weeks ago


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith