AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
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Androukaki, E., Adamantopoulou, S.1992A species-area relationship in the avifauna of northern Sporades (Aegean, Greece).
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Abatzopoulos, T. J., Kastritsis, C. D., Triantafyllidis, C. D.1987A study of caryotypes and heterochromatic associations in Artemia with special reference to two N. Greece populations.
Vasileva, E. D., Vasilev, V. P.1988A study of intraspecific structure of Sabanejewia aurata (Cobitidae) with a description of the new subspecies S. aurata kubanica subsp. nov. [Issledovanie vnutrividovoj struktury Sabanejewia aurata (Cobitidae) s opisaniem novogo podvi
Delaki, E., Kotzageorgis, G., Ioannidou, V., Stamatopoulos, A.1988A study of otters in Lake Mikri Prespa, Greece.
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Neophitou, C., Giapis, A. J.1994A study of the biology of pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus (L.)) in Lake Kerkini (Greece)
Androukaki, E., Tounta, E.1994A study of the distribution and pathology of Cetaceans in Greece.
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Economidis, P. S., Nalbant, T. T.1996A study of the loaches of the genera Cobitis and Sabanejewia (Pisces, Cobitidae) of Greece, with description of six new taxa.
Kasapidis, P.2001A study of the phylogeography of Mediodactylus kotschyi (Sauria: Gekkonidae) in the Aegean Archipelago and adjacent regions
Christidis, J., Chintiroglou, C., Culley, M. B.1997A study of the populations of Calliactis parasitica (Couch, 1842) in symbiosis with anomuran decapods in Thermaikos Gulf (N. Aegean Sea).
Gerakakis, G.1998A study of the small Lacerta Podarcis milensis in a typical Aegean island ecosytem of Milos in Greece.
Papp, L.2010A study on Hesperinus walker with description of a new species (Diptera: Hesperinidae)
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Buchelos, C. T., Katopodis, C. A.1995A survey of beetles in store-rooms containing barley and maize for animal feed, on the island of Lefkas, Greece: Abundance and population fluctuation of the most significant species.
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Malicky, H.1993A survey of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Greece.
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Wygodzinsky, P.1980 A survey of the Nicoletiinae of Europe (Nicoletiidae Thysanura Insecta).


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith