Distribution patterns and calling song variation in species of the genus Cicada Linnaeus, 1758 (Hemiptera, Cicadidae) in the Aegean Sea area

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2008
Authors:Simoes, P. C., Quartau, J. A.
Journal:Italian Journal of ZoologyItalian Journal of ZoologyItalian Journal of Zoology
Type of Article:Article
ISBN Number:1125-0003
Accession Number:WOS:000255272600004
Keywords:biogeography, Calling song, cicada, Coleoptera, colonization, distribution, Greece, Hemiptera, islands, Orni, Paleogeography, phylogeography, TAXA, tenebrionidae, Turkey

The present paper gives a comparative analysis of the calling songs of selected populations within species of the genus Cicada Linnaeus from the Greek and Turkish mainlands as well as from a number of representative Aegean islands, with a view to compare present cicada biogeography patterns with the palaeogeography of the area. Recordings of the male calling songs and analyses of selected acoustic variables have been carried out. The general trend in the species distribution and variation in the calling songs produced appeared to be consistent with most of the paleogeographical events in the eastern Mediterranean basin. Cicada species from this area appear to have derived from some stock present in the Miocene in the then united landmass of Aegaeis. Present distribution might have originated mostly by vicariance rather than by dispersal. Therefore, the palaeogeography of the Eastern Mediterranean basin area with emphasis on the Miocenic island groups offers a good explanation for the present distribution patterns and level of endemism in species of the genus Cicada.

Short Title:Ital. J. Zoolog.
Alternate Journal:Ital. J. Zoolog.
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