Intrapopulation polymorphism in Anopheles messeae (An. maculipennis complex) inferred by molecular analysis

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2004
Authors:Di Luca, M., Boccolini, D., Marinucci, M., Romi, R.
Journal:Journal of Medical EntomologyJournal of Medical Entomology
Date Published:JUL
Accession Number:ISI:000222901800007
Keywords:anopheles maculipennis complex, culicidae, Cytochrome oxidase I, Diptera, evolution, gene, internal transcribed spacer two, malaria, malaria vector, northern Greece, polymorphism, primers, SEQUENCES

We evaluated the internal transcribed spacer two (ITS2) sequence to detect intraspecific polymorphism in the Palearctic Anopheles maculipennis complex, analyzing 52 populations from 12 countries and representing six species. For An. messeae, two fragments of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene were also evaluated. The results were compared with GenBank sequences and data from the literature. ITS2 analysis revealed evident intraspecific polymorphism for An. messeae and a slightly less evident polymorphism for An. melanoon, whereas for each of the other species, 100% identity was found among populations. ITS2 analysis of An. messeae identified five haplotypes that were consistent with the geographical origin of the populations. ITS2 seems to be a reliable marker of intraspecific polymorphism for this complex, whereas the COI gene is apparently uninformative.

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