A taxonomic revision of Deronectes Sharp, 1882 (Insecta: Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) (part I).

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1997
Authors:Fery, H., Brancucci, M.
Journal:Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in WienAnnalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien
Volume:99 B

The Palearctic predaceous water beetle genus Deronectes SHARP, 1882, contains 39 species to date. The authors present the first part of a revision, in which 28 of these species are treated, four of which are divided into subspecies. A classification into ten groups (including the parvicollis-group) and a key to the species is provided. The species of the D. parvicollis-group require further investigation and will be treated in the second part of this revision. Five taxa are described as new: Deronectes perrinae sp.n. from Northern Africa, Deronectes witzgalli sp.n. from Turkey, Deronectes angelinii sp.n. from Italy, Deronectes platynotus mazzoldii ssp.n. from Greece. and Deronectes aubei sanfilippoi ssp.n. from southern France and northern Spain. Deronectes brannanii (SCHAUFUSS, 1869) and Deronectes semirufus (GERMAR, 1845) are recognised as valid species. Hydroporus bombycinus LEPRIEUR, 1876, and Hydroporus sublaevis REY, 1887, are found to be junior subjective synonyms of Hydroporus fairmairei LEPRIEUR, 1876. Deronectes moestus (FAIRMAIRE, 1858) is split into two subspecies D. moestus moestus and Deronectes moestus inconspectus LEPRIEUR, 1876). Deronectes latus (STEPHENS, 1829) is recorded from Turkey for the first time. Stictotarsus bertrandi (LEGROS, 1956) - originally included in Deronectes - is treated in a short additional note, and is recorded from Portugal for the first time. Lectotypes are designated for the following nominal species: Hydroporus opatrinus GERMAR, 1824. Hydroporus latus STEPHENS, 1829. Hydroporus castaneus HEER, 1837, Hydroporus aubei MULSANT, 1843. Hydroporus semirufus GERMAR, 1845. Hydroporus delarouzei JACQUELIN DU VAL, 1857, Hydroporus moestus FAIRMAIRE, 1858, Hydroporus lareynii FAIRMAIRE, 1858, Hydroporus vestitus FAIRMAIRE. 1859, Hydroporus bicostatus Schaum. 1864, Hydroporus brannanii SCHAUFUSS, 1869, hydroporus bombycinus LEPRIEUR, 1876, Hydroporus inconspectus LEPRIEUR, 1876, Derontes doriae SHARP, 1882, Hydroporus peyerimhoffi REGIMBART, 1906, and Hydroporus latus pyrenaeus SCHAEFER, 1930.

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