A review of the coelotine genus Eurocoelotes (Araneae: Amaurobiidae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2010
Authors:Wang, X. P., Zhu, M. S., Li, S. Q.
Journal:Journal of ArachnologyJournal of Arachnology
Keywords:Amaurobiidae, Araneae, Europe, new species, spider

The genus Eurocoelotes, established in 2002 with fourteen species from Europe, including two new species, E. halanensis sp. nov. (♀ only) from Mali Halan, Croatia and E. paramicrolepidus sp. nov. (♂ only) from Peloponnisos, Greece, is reviewed. Each species is described with a focus on the male palp and the female epigynum. A key to species is provided. Except for E. deltshevi (Dinitrov 1996) and E. drenskii (Deltshev 1990), specimens of which were not available, we have provided illustrations for the male palp and the female epigynum of all species. In general, the male Eurocoelotes has a short cymbial furrow, a broad conductor dorsal apophysis, a spoon-shaped median apophysis, and a prolaterally originating embolus, but lacks a patellar apophysis. The female Eurocoelotes usually has laterally arising epigynal teeth, a large, anteriorly situated atrium, large copulatory ducts, and short, slightly longitudinally extending spermathecae. Exceptions include: E. falciger (Kulczyski 1897), which has a long cymbial furrow and a proximally originating embolus, E. anoplus (Kulczyski 1897) and E. gasperinii (Simon 1891), which have proximally originating emboli, E. brevispinus (Deltshev & Dimitrov 1996), which has a distinct patellar apophysis, E. microlepidus (de Blauwe 1973) and E. paramicrolepidus, which have a tiny patellar apophysis, and E. xinpingwangi Deltshev 2009, which has no epigynal teeth. © 2010 The American Arachnological Society.

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