Araeopteron ecphaea, a small noctuid moth in the West Palaearctic (Noctuidae: Acontiinae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2001
Authors:Fibiger, M., Agassiz, D.
Journal:Nota LepidopterologicaNota Lepidopterologica
Date Published:2001///
Keywords:Acontiinae, Araeopteron ecphaea, Lepidoptera, NOCTUIDAE, West Palaearctics

The small Acontiine moth Araeopteron ecphaea (Hampson, 1914) is recorded new to the West Palaearctic from Greece, Turkey, Spain (including Mallorca), and is further reported from additional countries in the Afrotropical region. The species is redescribed and the genitalia of both sexes are figured for the first time. The worldwide distribution of the known species of the genus Araeopteron Hampson, 1893 is given.

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