Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Belcari, P., Sartor, P., Sanchez, P., Demestre, M., Tsangridis, A., Leondarakis, P., Lefkaditou, E., Papaconstantinou, C.2002Exploitation patterns of the cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis (Cephalopoda, Sepiidae), in the Mediterranean Sea
Caragitsou, E., Papaconstantinou, C.1994Feeding habits of piper (Trigla lyra) in the Saronikos Gulf (Greece).
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Caragitsou, E., Siapatis, A., Papaconstantinou, C.1998Vertical distribution and migration of fish larvae during the night in the N.W. Aegean Sea
Caragitsou, E., Stergiou, K., Papaconstantinou, C.1986Preliminary study on the diet of Pagrus pagrus, Phycis phycis and Siganus rivulatus in the Kastellorizo waters, eastern Mediterranean, Greece
Conides, A., Glamuzina, B., Jug-Dujakovic, J., Papaconstantinou, C., Kapiris, K.2006Age, growth, and mortality of the karamote shrimp, Melicertus kerathurus (Forskål, 1775), in the east Ionian sea (Western Greece)
Conides, A., Lumare, F., Scordella, G., Papaconstantinou, C., Kapiris, K., Zacharaki, P.2001Effects of physical and chemical quality of the sea bottom on the distribution of the shrimp Penaeus kerathurus in Western Greece.
Cooper, J., Baccetti, N., Belda, E. J., Borg, J. J., Oro, D., Papaconstantinou, C., Sanchez, A.2003Seabird mortality from longline fishing in the Mediterranean Sea and Macaronesian waters: A review and a way forward
Dendrinos, P., Adamantopoulou, S., Androukaki, E., Chatzispyrou, A., Karamanlidis, A. A., Paravas, V., Tounta, E., Kotomatas, S.2007Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus and fisheries: conserving biodiversity and mitigating a conflict in Hellenic Seas
Corsini-Foka, M., Economidis, P. S.2007Alien and vagrant ichthyofauna in Hellenic waters
Giannoulaki, M., Machias, A.2007Fisheries independent assessment methods: acoustics
Giannoulaki, M., Machias, A., Valavanis, V., Somarakis, S., Palialexis, A., Tsagarakis, K., Papaconstantinou, C.2007Spatial modeling of the European sardine habitat in the eastern Mediterranean basin suing GIS tools
Giannoulaki, M., Machias, A., Valavanis, V., Somarakis, S., Papaconstantinou, C.2006Spatial Modelling of the European Anchovy Habitat in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin Using GAMS and GIS Technology
Giannoulaki, M., Machias, A., Valavanis, V. D., Somarakis, S., Papaconstantinou, C.2006Spatial modelling of the european anchovy habitat in the eastern Mediterranean basin using GAMS and GIS technology
Kallianiotis, A., Papaconstantinou, C.2007Artificial reefs
Kapiris, K., Moraitou-Apostolopoulou, M., Papaconstantinou, C.2002The growth of male secondary sexual characters in Aristaeomorpha foliacea and Aristeus antennatus (Decapoda, Aristeidae) in the Greek Ionian sea (eastern Mediterranean)
Kapiris, K., Mytilineou, C., Politou, C. - Y., Kavadas, S., Conides, A.2007Research on shrimps' resources and fishery in Hellenic waters
Kasapidis, P., Magoulas, A.2007Genetic structure of fish stocks in the Hellenic Seas and the Mediterranean
Koutsoubas, D., Galinou-Mitsoui, S., Katsanevakis, S., Leontarakis, P., Metaxatos, A., Zenetos, A.2007Bivalve and gastropod molluscs of commercial interest for human consumption in the Hellenic Seas
Labropoulou, M., Damalas, D., Papaconstantinou, C.2006Bathymetric trends in distribution and size of demersal species
Labropoulou, M., Papaconstantinou, C.2005Effect of fishing on community structure of demersal fish assemblages
Labropoulou, M., Papaconstantinou, C.2004Community structure and diversity of demersal fish assemblages: The role of fishery
Labropoulou, M., Papaconstantinou, C.2002Effect of fishery on community structure and diversity of demersal fish assemblages
Labropoulou, M., Papaconstantinou, C.2000Community structure of deep-sea demersal fish in the North Aegean Sea (northeastern Mediterranean)
Labropoulou, M., Papaconstantinou, C.2000Comparison of otolith growth and somatic growth in two macrourid fishes
Labropoulou, M.2007Fish community structure and diversity of demersal species
Lefkaditou, E., Leondarakis, P., Papaconstantinou, C., Tsangridis, A.2001Eledonids exploited in the Thracian Sea: preliminary analysis of stock structure based on trawler landings.
Lefkaditou, E., Papaconstantinou, C.1999Cephalopod distribution and fisheries in the Thracian Sea
Lefkaditou, E., Papaconstantinou, C., Anastasopoulou, K.1999Juvenile cephalopods collected in the midwater macroplankton over a trench in the Aegean Sea (Northeastern Mediterranean)
Lefkaditou, E.2007Review of cephalopod fauna in Hellenic waters
Lefkaditou, E., Politou, C. - Y., Papaconstantinou, C.2000Notes on Brachioteuthis riisei (Steenstrup, 1882) and Onychoteuthis banksi (Leach, 1817) (Cephalopoda: Teuthoidea) found in the Aegean Sea
Lefkaditou, E., Politou, C. - Y., Papaconstantinou, C.1999Notes on Brachioteuthis riisei (Steenstrup, 1882) and Onychoteuthis banksii (Leach, 1817) found in the Aegean sea.
Lefkaditou, E., Verriopoulos, G., Valavanis, V.2007Research on cephalopod resources in Hellas
Machias, A., Giannoulaki, M., Somarakis, S., Siapatis, A.2007Small pelagics fish
Machias, A., Karakassis, I., Labropoulou, M., Somarakis, S., Papadopoulou, K. N., Papaconstantinou, C.2004Changes in wild fish assemblages after the establishment of a fish farming zone in an oligotrophic marine ecosystem
Machias, A., Maiorano, P., Vassilopoulou, V., Papaconstantinou, C., Tursi, A., Tsimenides, N.2004Sizes of discarded commercial species in the eastern-central Mediterranean Sea
Machias, A., Vassilopoulou, V., Vatsos, D., Bekas, P., Kallianiotis, A., Papaconstantinou, C., Tsimenides, N.2001Bottom trawl discards in the northeastern Mediterranean Sea
Maravelias, C. D., Papaconstantinou, C.2006Geographic, seasonal and bathymetric distribution of demersal fish species in the eastern Mediterranean
Maravelias, C., Papaconstantinou, C.2003Size-related habitat use, aggregation patterns and abundance of anglerfish (Lophius budegassa) in the Mediterranean Sea determined by generalized additive modelling
Maravelias, C. D., Tsitsika, E. V., Papaconstantinou, C.2007Seasonal dynamics, environmental preferences and habitat selection of John Dory (Zeus faber)
Maravelias, C. D., Tsitsika, E. V.2007Effects of environment on Hellenic fisheries
Margaritoulis, D., Koutsodendris, A., Panagopoulou, A.2007Fisheries in interactions with marine turtles
Mytilineou, C., Machias, A.2007Deep-water fisheries resources in the Hellenic Seas
Mytilineou, C., Papaconstantinou, C.1991Age and growth of Spicara flexuosa (Rafinesque, 1810) (Pisces, Centracanthidae) in the Patraikos Gulf (Greece).
Mytilineou, C., Papaconstantinou, C., Fourtouni, A.1993Preliminary study on the biology of Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) in the N. Euboikos gulf (Greece).
Mytilineou, C., Papaconstantinou, C., Fourtouni, A.1990Some aspects of the biology of Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus, in the N. Evoikos Gulf
Mytilineou, C., Politou, C. - Y., Kapiris, K.2007Deep-water fisheries research in the Hellenic Seas


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith