Revision of A new pericentromeric repeated DNA sequence in Microtus thomasi from Sun, 2020-08-30 14:12

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2009
Authors:Acosta, M. J., Marchal, J. A., Mitsainas, G. P., Rovatsos, M. T., Fernandez-Espartero, C. H., Giagia-Athanasopoulou, E. B., Sanchez, A.
Journal:Cytogenetic and Genome Research
Date Published:2009
ISBN Number:1424-8581
Accession Number:ZOOREC:ZOOR14601005818
Keywords:DNA, pericentromeric, repeated, sequence, αλληλουχία, επαναλαμβανόμενη, περικεντρομερική

Several karyotypic forms have been previously described in populations of the vole species Microtus thomasi from Greece. In particular, the karyomorphs Microtus thomasi ‘thomasi’ and ‘atticus’ differ in X chromosome morphology, being acrocentric and subtelocentric, respectively. Furthermore, remarkable heterochromatin content variability has been described in sex chromosomes of both karyomorphs. Genomic DNA digestion with AluI allowed us to clone an 884 bp long repeated DNA sequence (Mth-Alu900) from the karyomorph M. thomasi ‘atticus’. This repeated DNA is AT rich and seems to be organized mainly as a dimer of the 884-bp unit, which presents three simple repeats (CAAAT, CAGAT and CAGAC) that constitute 80% of the total unit length. This repeated DNA is exclusive to M. thomasi, since it is absent from the genome of other studied Arvicolinae species. The chromosomal location of Mth-Alu900 was analyzed on M. thomasi ‘thomasi’ and M. thomasi ‘atticus’ karyomorphs, with different sex chromosome constitution. It was mainly located on the pericentromeric heterochromatin of most autosomes and X chromosomes on both karyomorphs. Results are also discussed in relation to karyotypic and sex chromosome variations in M. thomasi. To our knowledge, Mth-Alu900 constitutes a new – the third discovered so far – pericentromeric repeated DNA sequence described in Microtus species.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith