Agronomic techniques to control Lobesia botrana

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2008
Authors:Vartholomaiou, A. N., Navrozldis, E. I., Payne, C. C., Salpiggidis, G. A.
Date Published:Jun
Type of Article:Article
ISBN Number:0334-2123
Accession Number:WOS:000257580700009
Keywords:ammonium sulfate, BUNCH ROT, cluster compactness, cluster infestation, fruit, FUNGUS BOTRYTIS-CINEREA, GRAPE, growth, IPM, LEAF, Lepidoptera, PROHEXADIONE-CALCIUM, pruning, regulators, REMOVAL, Tortricidae, VEGETATIVE GROWTH, vine fertilization, VITIS-VINIFERA

The grapevine moth Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermuller) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is a key pest of grapevines in Greece. As part of a broader study on integrated pest management, the effects were investigated of different cultural methods on the establishment and survival of L. botrana, specifically: application of different nitrogen levels (30 and 100 units of ammonium sulfate or 70 units of Agrobiosol); summer leaf and shoot pruning; application of growth regulators (Regalis, probexadione-calcium; or Falgro, gibberellic acid). There were significant differences among the three levels of N application. The lowest L. botrana infestation rates were found in plots treated with 30 units of (NH4)(2)SO4 and plots that received some summer pruning. Following the application of plant growth regulators, the lowest L. botrana infestation levels occurred in the plots treated with Regalis or Falgro at the manufacturers' recommended concentrations. On vines where growth regulators had been applied, the clusters had fewer berries than those not treated with growth regulators.

Alternate Journal:Phytoparasitica
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