The deep sea molluscan fauna of the S.E. Aegean Sea and its relation to the neighbouring faunas.

Publication Type:Journal Article
Authors:Zenetos, A., van Aartsen, J. J.
Journal:Bollettino MalacologicoBollettino Malacologico
Keywords:Mollusca Bivalvia Gastropoda Scaphopoda Polyplacophora Cephalopoda

The malacofauna of the deep sea area N.W. of Rhodes isl. (Aegean Sea) was studied from living material as well as from shell debris. Overall 165 species were identified belonging to: Bivalvia 76, Gastropoda 79, Scaphopoda 2, Polyplacophora 7 and Cephalopoda 1. The bivalves dominated in the living material while the gastropods were numerically abundant in the death assemblages. Ninety eight species are first records for the study area. Of the above the following eleven: Lyonsia arenosa, Mysella tumidula, Tellimya semirubra, Alvania mamillata, Ceratia proxima, Clathromangelia fehri, Retusa cuneata, Emarginula costae, Laona pruinosa, Raphitoma erronea and Skenea catenoides were unknown so far in the Aegean as well as in the Levantine and can therefore be considered as new records for the Eastern Mediterranean. Eight more species,namely : Clathrella clathrata, Epitonium triatissimum, Eulima glabra, Fehria zenetouae, Mangelia coarcata, Nassarius lima, Ondina vitrea and Pleurohranchia meckelii are first records for the Aegean Sea while they are established along the coasts of Israel & Sinai. No Lessepsian migrants were recognised among our fauna as expected. Finally, attention is given to some rare species such as Tellimya semirubra, Megaxinus unguiculinus and Philine pruinosa as well as to some Eastern Mediterranean endemics such as Febria taprurensis, Fehria zenetouae, Gibbula spratti and Dentalium rossati.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith