[Some notes on the biology of Archon apollinus.] (in French)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1978
Authors:Pierron, M.
Journal:Alexanor. Revue des Lepidoptèristes FrancaisAlexanor. Revue des Lepidoptèristes Francais

A. apollinus was found in March and April along the Aegean coast of Turkey, between Ismir and Bodrum where the plant host was Aristolochia hirta. This station consisted of rocky hills with Asphodellus microcarpus and Ferula communis as the dominant plant species. Distribution, ecology including temperature and wind flow, life cycle, flight behavior, biology and resistance to toxic products are discussed. Predators observed were Sylvia curruca and Clamator glandarius. The egg, caterpillar and molting period, diapause and chrysalis formation are described. A. apollinus appears to be a transition between Zerynthiinae and Parnassiinae. The subspecies A. a. bellargus, A. a. armenicus, A. a. apollinaris and A. a. amasinus are morphologically distinct from A. apollinus.

Taxonomic name: 
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith