AuthorsYearsort ascendingTitle
Bellamy, D. J., Cook, M., Cossins, A., Hilliam, J., Hudson, J., Oddie, L., Pears, P., Sheppard, C.SubmittedThe proposed Lindos marine park. A study by the Athens institute of oceanographic and fishing research.
Boettger,SubmittedO Boettger αναφέρει για την Preveza τα εξής:
Husband, T. P., Brown, J., Davis, P.SubmittedManagement Plan for Sapienza Island.
Ignatiades, L., Moraitou-Apostolopoulou, M., Nikolaidou, A.SubmittedPreliminary biological investigations in Amvrakikos gulf.
Korsós, Z., Kiss, I.Submitted[TITLE BLANK]
Neophitou, C.SubmittedA study of the biology of brown trout in Greece and Britain
Zenetos, A.SubmittedThe Malacofauna in Greek Waters.
Zwick, P.SubmittedTrichoceridae-Nymphomyidae
Reijnders, P. J. H.SubmittedThe importance of a breeding unit and nursery station for Mediterranean monk seals in respect to their conservation: outline programme.
Geroud,Submitted[TITLE BLANK]
Vittery, A., Bauchinger, U., Giese, K., Kallhardt, F., Meimberg, H., Mommertz, S., Lang, A., Klarenberg, A., Panou, A.SubmittedRecent observations on the avifauna of Kefalonia (Ionian Islands, Greece)
Scharlau, W.SubmittedDie Vogelwelt der Ägäis. Teil 4: Die Brutvögel der osthälfte Kretas.
Atatur, M. K., Gocmen, B.SubmittedAmphibians and reptiles of Northern Cyprus
Broderick, A. C., Godley, B. J.SubmittedGlasgow University turtle conservation expedition to northern Cyprus 1993: expedition report
Charalambides, M.SubmittedCyprus
Godley, B., Broderick, A.SubmittedGlasgow University turtle conservation expedition to northern Cyprus 1992: expedition report
Gosney, D.SubmittedFinding birds in Cyprus
Hadjichristophourou, M., Argyrou, M., Demetropoulos, A., Bianchi, T.SubmittedThe sublittoral soft-bottom macrobenthos of Cyprus. (in Press)
Hadjisterkotis, E.SubmittedA short note on the mortality of fove Bonelli's Eagles Hieraaetuus faciatus in Cyprus
Hadjisterkotis, E.SubmittedThe Cyprus mouflon, a threatened species in a biodiversity "hotspot" area
Hadjisterkotis, E., Bider, J. R.SubmittedCyprus
Hadjisterkotis, E., Masala, B.SubmittedVertebrate extinction on Cyprus
Hallchurch, T. T.SubmittedReport on the Army Bird Watching Society expedition to Cyprus 9-30 October 1980
Hoppe, A. H., Krambias, A.SubmittedThe responses of captive chukar partridges to the ingredients and anticoagulant poisons used in rodent baits in Cyprus
Iezekiel, S.SubmittedNest - sites selection by Bonelli's eagles Hieraaetus fasciatus in Cyprus(part of mr. iezekiel Ph. D Thesis)
Iezekiel, S., Bakaloudis, D. E., Vlachos, C. G.SubmittedThe diet of Bonelli's eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus in Cyprus
Iezekiel, S., Bakaloudis, D. E., Vlachos, C. G.SubmittedThe status and conservation of griffon vulture Gyps fulvus in Cyprus
Makris, C.SubmittedButterflies of Cyprus
Masala, B., Manca, L., Serreri, E., Pirastru, M., Rando, A., Corda, M., Hadjisterkotis, E.SubmittedThe structure and function of the hemoglobin of Cyprus mouflon
Nobis, G.SubmittedZu den Wild - und Haustieren von Tamassos auf Zypern - eins Tempelbereichs aus archaisch bis klassisch - hellenistiscer Zeit
Oddie, W. E.SubmittedApril: Greek Cyprus in Spring
Olivier, A.SubmittedThe butterflies of the Greek island of Rodos: taxonomy, faunistics, ecology and phenology with a tentative synthesis on the biogeography of the butterflies of Kriti (Crete), Karpathos, Rodos, the Eastern Aegean islands and Kipros (Cyprus) (Lepidoptera: He
Orphanides, G. M.SubmittedInsect pests of olives in Cyprus
Serrand, N., Vigne, J. Denis, Guilaine, J.SubmittedEarly Preceramic Neolithic marine shells from Shillourokambos, Cyprus (late 9th-8th mill. cal BC): a mainly-ornamental set with similarities to mainland PPNB
Serreri, E., Hadjisterkotis, E., Naitana, S., Rando, A., Ferranti, P., Corda, M., Manca, L., Masala, B.SubmittedThe organization of the [beta]-globin gene cluster and the nucleotide sequence of the [beta]-globin gene of cyprus mouflon (Ovis gmelini ophion)
Sfikas, G.SubmittedBirds & mammals of Cyprus
Simmons, A. H., Anonymous,SubmittedFaunal extinction in an island society: pygmy hippopotamus hunters of Cyprus
Theile, S., Steiner, A., Nagy, K. KecseSubmittedExpanding borders: new challenges for wildlife trade controls in the European Union
Took, J. M. E.SubmittedBirds of Cyprus: a simple, concise and fully illustrated guide
Tornaritis, G.SubmittedMediterranean sea shells Cyprus
Welch, H., Rose, L., Moore, D., Oddie, B., Sigg, H.SubmittedWhere to watch birds in Turkey, Greece and Cyprus
Ιεζεκιήλ, Σ.SubmittedΗ Κυπριακή πανίδα
Akriotis, T., Koutsoubas, D., Zannetos, P., Zevgolis, Y., Georgiadis, C., Lymberakis, P.2022Abstracts of the International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 15th ICZEGAR, 12-15 October 2022, Mytilene, Lesvos, Greece.
Evagelopoulos, A., Alifragis, A., Gerovasiliou, V., Katsiaras, N., Vasiliadis, G., Koutsoubas, D.2016Community Structure and Dynamics of the Molluscan Fauna at the Marine-Lagoonal Environmental Gradient at Kalloni Solar Saltworks (Lesvos Island, Greece)
Imsiridou, A., Minos, G., Tsiora, A., Katsares, V., Douka, S.2016Identification of Fry of Different Grey Mullet Species with the Use of Nuclear 5S rDNA Markers
Isari, S., Ramfos, A., Somarakis, S., Koutsikopoulos, C., Frangopoulu, N.2016Mesozooplankton Community Structure in the Northeastern Aegean Sea, in Relation to Black Sea Water Circulation
Triantis, K. A., Vardinoyannis, K., Mylonas, M.2016The Land Snails of Three Island Groups in the Aegan Sea (Skyros, Astypalaia, Kalymnos) (Greece)
Kamilari, M., Sfenthourakis, S.2016A Morphometric Approach to the Geographic Variation of a Terrestrial Isopod Species Using Elliptic Fourier Analysis and Allometric Functions
Dimaki, M., Papazoglou, G.2016Bird Ringing in Antikythira Island (South Greece)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith