Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Boye, P.1990On the distribution and status of the black francolin Francolinus francolinus in Cyprus, Mediterranean Sea.
Chandrinos, G. I., Goutner, V.1990On the occurrence of the lesser white-fronted goose Anser erythropus in Greece.
Goutner, V.1990Habitat selection of little terns in the Evros Delta, Greece.
Goutner, V., Chandrinos, G. I.1990The occurrence of slender-billed curlews Numenius tenuirostris in Greece.
Hallmann, B.1990Griekenland kijt niet hoe laat het is.
Harrop, A. H.1990Another red-backed shrike with white primary patch.
Juillard, M., Bassin, P., Hallmann, B., Lanngenegger, A.1990Un Guepier de Perse, Merops superciliosus, en Crete.
Meininger, P. L.1990Birds of the wetlands in north-east Greece, spring 1987.
Meininger, P. L., Spiekman, H., van Westrienen, R.1990Analysis of measurements and plumage of waders.
Pain, D. J., Chandrinos, G. I.1990The incidence of ingested lead shot in ducks of the Evros Delta, Greece.
Pieper, H.1990Historische Betrachungen zum Vorkommen des Eleonorenfalken (Falco eleonorae) auf den Ägäische Inseln.
de Roder, F. E.1990Mortality of waterbirds in NE-Greece, spring 1987.
Salza, G., Boetti, G.1990Tra Oriente e Occidente-Evros, Grecia.
Spiekman, H. W.1990Waterbird trapping in the wetlands of NE-Greece, spring 1987.
Stuart, J. J., de Nobel, W. T., Schepers, F.1990Counts of waterbirds in the wetlands of NE-Greece, spring 1987.
M. Valvo, L., Massa, B.1990[Bird communities in vegetational gradients of Mediterranean and Canary islands North Atlantic Ocean.] (in Italian)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith