Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Ayoutanti, A., Krimbas, C. B., Mylonas, M., Sourdis, J.1990Geographic structure in the genetic and morphological differences of populations of the genus Albinaria in the Aegean region.
Bei, F., Papathanassiou, E., Catsiki, V. A.1990Heavy metal concentrations in selected marine species from Milos Island (Aegean Sea).
Catsiki, V. A., Bei, F., Katsilieri, C.1990Hg et autres metaux dans la flore et la faune marines du Golf Saronikos.
Cebrian, D., Fatsea, H., Mytilineou, C.1990Some data on biometry and stomach content of a Mediterranean Monk Seal found in Santorini Island (Greece).
Diapoulis, A., Koussouris, T., Papageorgiou, E., Bertahas, I.1990An ecological-view of a littoral zone in a gulf in West Greece.
Georgakopoulos-Georgiades, E., Vassilopoulou, V.1990Chlorinated hydrocarbons in Red Mullet (Mullus barbatus) from the Greek seas.
Grimanis, A.1990Arsenic in the Marine Environment of fine Gulf of Greece.
Kyrtatos, N.1990Biotopes à l'île de Tinos (Cyclades, Mer. Egée centrale) et leur destruction: milieux humides sous l' influence de l' eau douce et saumâtre
Matsakis, J. T.1990L' Insularité: qu' est-ce que cela veut dire au juste? (Propositions émanant de faits qui se rapportent aux îles de la mer Egée).
Megalofonou, P.1990First age estimates of Albacore, Thunnus alalunga Bonn, in the Aegean Sea using scales.
Mytilineou, C., Papaconstantinou, C., Fourtouni, A.1990Some aspects of the biology of Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus, in the N. Evoikos Gulf
Papaconstantinou, C., Petrakis, G., Caragitsou, S.1990Natural History of sole (Solea vulgaris L. 1758) in the Amvrakikos Gulf (Greece).
Pancucci-Papadopoulou, M. A., Siokou-Frangou, I., Christou, E.1990On the vertical distribution and composition of deep-water Copepod populations in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.
Papathanassiou, E.1990The filtration rate in the Mediterranean Mussei Mytilus galloprovincialis as a parameter to assess the toxicity of zinc and copper acting together.
Papathanassiou, E., Pancucci-Papadopoulou, M. A.1990Biological investigation on zooplankton composition in three lagoons from Western Greece.
Papazissi, C., Lykakis, J.1990Composition of fish larvae from the Gulf of Kissamos (Crete, Greece).
Siokou-Frangou, I., Pagou, K., Gialamas, V.1990Discrimination du plancton influencé par la population au moyen des analyses multivariées.
Siokou-Frangou, I., Pancucci-Papadopoulou, M. A., Kouyoufas, P.1990Etude de la réportition du zooplancton dans les Mers Egée et Ionienne.
Vassilopoulou, V.1990Preliminary biological data of silvery pout (Cadiculus argenteus argenteus) in the Northern Euboean Gulf (Greece).
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith