Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Alkemeier, F., Hennig, V.1988Wintervogelbeobachtungen in Nordgriechenland.
Androukaki, E., Adamantopoulou, S.1988First data on the avifauna of Rhodopos Peninsula (W. Crete).
Arianoutsou, M.1988Assessing the impacts of human activities on nesting of loggerhead sea-turtles (Caretta caretta L.) on Zakynthos Island, western Greece.
Breuil, M., Parent, G. H.1988Essai de caracterisation des populations du triton alpestre hellénique. 2. Relations entre le triton alpestre hellénique et la sous espèce nominative.
Crivelli, A. J., Jerrentrup, H., Mitchev, T.1988Electric power lines: a cause of mortality in Pelecanus crispus Bruch, a world endangered bird species, in Porto-Lago, Greece.
Delaki, E., Kotzageorgis, G., Ioannidou, V., Stamatopoulos, A.1988A study of otters in Lake Mikri Prespa, Greece.
Dimitropoulos, A.1988A white striped form of leopard snake Elaphe situla (Linnaeus, 1738) from N. E. Greece (Serpentes, Colubridae).
Dimitropoulos, A., Giannatos, G., Mertzanis, G.1988An additional record of Ottoman viper, Vipera xanthina (Gray, 1849) from mainland Greece
Gooders, J.1988Where to watch birds in Britain and Europe.
Goutner, V.1988The Lesser Crested Tern (Sterna bengalensis) in the Evros Delta (Greece): a case of pairing with the Sandwich Tern (Sterna sandvicensis)?
Greve, K.1988Rostgans (Casarca ferruginea) Brutvogel auf der Insel Samos (Griechenland).
Grundke, F. D.1988Reptilien auf Korfu.
Hailey, A.1988Population ecology and conservation of tortoises: the estimation, density, and dynamics of a small population.
Hailey, A., Loumbourdis, N. S.1988Egg size and shape, clutch dynamics, and reproductive effort in European tortoises.
Hailey, A., Wright, J., Steer, E.1988Population ecology and conservation of tortoises: the effects of disturbance.
Hayhow, S. J.1988Talon-locking between hobby and kestrel.
Hölzinger, J.1988Verbreitung der Ringdrossel (Turdus torquatus alpestris C. L. Brehm, 1831) in Griechenland.
Jerrentrup, H.1988Die Lachmöwe (Larus ridibundus) neuer Brutvogel für Griechenland.
Klewen, R., Winter, H. G., Franzen, M.1988Die Unterarten des Lykischen Salamanders Mertensiella luschani (Steindachner, 1891), Teil. 1.
Margaritoulis, D.1988Nesting of the loggerhead sea turtle Caretta caretta on the shores of Kiparissia Bay, Greece, in 1987.
Mendel, H.1988Brutbeobachtungen an Turmfalken (Falco tinnunculus) und Rotelfalken (Falco naumanni).
Mendel, H.1988Mittelsager-Brut (Mergus serrator) am Prespa-See.
Nevo, E., Filippucci, M. G.1988Genetic differentiation between Israeli and Greek populations of the marsh frog, Rana ridibunda.
Papaevangelou, E.1988Status of small game in Greece.
Pasquali, R.1988Osservazioni ornithologiche nelle isole egee della Grecia (Cicladi, Dodecanneso, Egeo nord orientale).
Pyrovetsi, M., Crivelli, A.1988Habitat use by water-birds in Prespa National Park, Greece.
Scarnera, V., Sorace, A.1988Alimentazione in terra di rondini rossicce Hirundo daurica.
Schmid, W., Reichenecker, H.1988Die Brutvögel des Voidοmatis Tals und dem Geburgsstock Astraka und Gamila im Pindusgebirge Bezirk Ioannina, Zentralgriechenland.
Schneider, H., Joermann, G.1988Mating calles of water frogs (Ranidae) from Lake Skutari, Yugoslavia, and the relationship to water frogs of other regions.
Sofianidou, T. S.1988Geographic distribution of Rana temporaria (common frog).
Warnecke, H.1988Telescopus fallax (Fleischmann, 1831) auf den ozeanischen Strophaden-Insel? (Serpentes: Colubridae).
Werner, R., Huster, R., Riecke, A.1988Adrenocorticale und sympathische Aktivität der Kreta-Stachelmaus Acomys minous unter akuter Kaltebelastung
Winking, H., Dulic, B., Bulfield, G.1988Robertsonian karyotype variation in the European house mouse, Mus musculus. Survey of present knowledge and new observations.
Wright, J.1988Population ecology of two Mediterranean tortoises in Northern Greece-Account of the UCNW-UEA exploration club' s tortoise expedition, Greece 1985.
Wright, J., Steer, E., Hailey, A.1988Habitat separation in tortoises and the consequences for activity and thermoregulation.
van Zyl, A.1988Going on holiday is not all fun and games.
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith