Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Biber, J. - P.1989Status and distribution of the Gull-billed Tern (Sterna nilotica) in the western Palearctic.
Bourne, W.1989The distribution of birds at sea in the Mediterranean area.
Chandrinos, G. I.1989Mid-winter number and distribution of Greater Flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber roseus) in Greece.
Chandrinos, G. I.1989Midwinter numbers and distribution of Cormorants and Pygmy Cormorants in Greece.
Crivelli, A. J., Focardi, S., Fossi, C., Leonzio, C., Massi, A., Renzoni, A.1989Trace elements and chlorinated hydrocarbons in eggs of Pelecanus crispus, a world endangered bird species nesting at Lake Mikri Prespa, north-western Greece.
Everett, M. J., Rose, L.1989Bird conservation problems at three important European sites.
Fasola, M.1989Distribution, population and habitat requirements of the Common Tern and the Little Tern breeding in the Mediterranean.
Fasola, M., Goutner, V., Walmsley, J.1989Comparative breeding biology of the gulls and terns in the four main deltas of the Mediterranean.
Ferrer, X., Martinez-Vilata, A.1989Estatus y distribution de la poblacion reproductora del Charran Patinegro (Sterna sandvicensis) en el Mediterraneo.
Goutner, V.1989Habitat selection by black-winged stilts Himantopus himantopus in a Macedonian wetland, Greece.
Goutner, V., Isenman, P.1989Breeding status of the Mediterranean Gull (Larus melanocephalus) in the Mediterranean basin.
Goutner, V., Kazantzidis, S.1989Evaluation of the relative importance of the zoning of the Evros Delta wetland (Greece) for bird groups of special conservation interest.
Grimmet, R. F. A., Jones, T. A.1989Important Bird Areas in Europe.
Guyot, I.1989Breeding distribution and numbers of Shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) in the Mediterranean.
Harrestrup-Andersen, H.1989First european record of Dead Sea Sparrow.
Hölzinger, J.1989Nonnensteinschmatzer Oenanthe pleschanka (Lepechin, 1770) Brutvogel in Griechenland.
Isenmann, P., Goutner, V.1989Breeding status of the Slender-billed Gull (Larus genei) in the Mediterranean basin.
Jerrentrup, H.1989The fauna of lake Vistonis and the Porto Lagos area.
De Juana, H., Profft, J.1989La poblacion mundial reproductora de la Gaviota de Audouin (Larus audouinii ).
Lensch, A.1989Vogelbeobachtungen auf der Insel Skiathos (Nördliche Sporaden, Griechenland).
Monbailliu, X., Sultana, J.1989Sites required to ensure satisfactory population levels of seabirds in the Mediterranean.
Paterson, A.1989The status of the Northern Gannet (Sula bassana) in the Mediterranean.
Poirazidis, K.1989[The birds of Rodopi]. (in Greek)
Pyrovetsi, M.1989Foraging trips of white pelicans (Pelecanus onocrotalus) breeding on Lake Mikri Prespa, Greece.
Pyrovetsi, M., Daoutopoulos, G. A.1989Conservation-related attitudes of lake fishermen in Greece.
Renzoni, A., Massa, A.1989Contaminants in Mediterranean seabirds.
Strehlow, H.1989[Ornithological observations on Cyprus.] (in German)
Thibaut, J. - C.1989Breeding distribution and numbers of Cory' s Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) in the Mediterranean.
Thurn, V.1989Ein Rest vom Paradies.
Vercruysse, W.1989Mystery photographs.
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith