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Kottelat, M.2004Salaria economidisi, a new species of freshwater fish from Lake Trichonis, Greece, with comments on variation in S. fluviatilis (Teleostei: Blenniidae)
Koutrakis, E., Tsikliras, A.2006Reproductive Biology of the Marbled Goby Pomatoschistus marmoratus (Pisces, Gobiidae) in a Northern Aegean Estuary (Greece)
Labropoulou, M., Eleftheriou, A.1997The foraging ecology of two pairs of congeneric demersal fish species: Importance of morphological characteristics in prey selection
Mamuris, Z., Apostolidis, A. P., Panagiotaki, P., Theodorou, A. J., Triantaphyllidis, C.1998Morphological variation between red mullet populations in Greece
Palma, J., Andrade, J. P.2002Morphological study of Diplodus sargus, Diplodus puntazzo, and Lithognathus mormyrus (Sparidae) in the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea
Karlou-Riga, C.2000Otolith morphology and age and growth of Trachurus mediterraneus (Steindachner) in the Eastern Mediterranean
Κυρμιτζόγλου, Ι., Τζώμος, Θ., Κίτσος, Μ. - Σ., Χαρτόσια, Ν., Χριστοδούλου, Μ., Αναγνωστοπούλου, Λ., Αρβανιτίδης, Χ., Τσελεπίδης, Α., Κούκουρας, Α.2006ΕΞΕΛΙΞΗ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΕΚΤΑΣΗ ΤΟΥ ΛΕΣΕΨΙΑΝΟΥ ΜΕΤΑΝΑΣΤΕΥΤΙΚΟΥ ΡΕΥΜΑΤΟΣ ΟΣΟΝ ΑΦΟΡΑ ΤΑ ΨΑΡΙΑ, ΤΑ ΔΕΚΑΠΟΔΑ ΚΑΙ ΤΑ ΕΧΙΝΟΔΕΡΜΑ
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith