Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Michaux, J., Bellinvia, E., Lymberakis, P.2005Taxonomy, evolutionary history and biogeography of the broad-toothed field mouse (Apodemus mystacinus) in the eastern Mediterranean area based on mitochondrial and nuclear genes
Pafilis, P., Foufopoulos, J., Poulakakis, N., Lymberakis, P., Valakos, E. D.2007Digestive performance in five Mediterranean lizard species: effects of temperature and insularity
Poulakakis, N., Lymberakis, P., Antoniou, A., Chalkia, D., Zouros, E., Mylonas, M., Valakos, E. D.2003Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of the wall-lizard Podarcis erhardii (Squamata: Lacertidae)
Poulakakis, N., Lymberakis, P., Paragamian, K., Mylonas, M.2005Isolation and amplification of shrew DNA from barn owl pellets
Poulakakis, N., Lymberakis, P., Tsigenopoulos, C. S., Magoulas, A., Mylonas, M.2005Phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary history of snake-eyed skink Ablepharus kitaibelii (Sauria: Scincidae)
Poulakakis, N., Lymberakis, P., Valakos, E. D., Pafilis, P., Zouros, E., Mylonas, M.2005Phylogeography of Balkan wall lizard (Podarcis taurica) and its relatives inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences
Poulakakis, N., Lymberakis, P., Valakos, E. D., Zouros, E., Mylonas, M.2005Phylogenetic relationships and biogeography of Podarcis species from the Balkan Peninsula, by bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses of mitochondrial DNA sequences
Schaschl, H., Lymberakis, P., Suchentrunk, F.2002On allozyme and cyt-b gene characteristics of Cretan hedgehogs, Erinaceus concolor nesiotes Bate, 1906
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith